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If you are doing construction for the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA), consult the links below for numerous details you'll need for designing, building, and pricing. The topics include standards, design-build, bridges, sediment control, stormwater, materials, access & mobility, and more.
This book provides engineers and contractors with a complete, up-to-date catalog of standards for highways, incidental structures and traffic control applications.
Here are the CAD Standards used by MDOT SHA.
Use the Maryland Standard Method of Test procedures as a supplement to the Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials and the Book of Standards for Highway and Incidental Structures.
This work explores subsurface conditions at various locations throughout the state and provides drilling equipment, certified drillers, and driller helpers.
ProjectWise facilitates collaboration on design projects between you (a contractor or other external entity) and MDOT SHA.
This manual provides MDOT SHA with comprehensive guidelines for managing, producing, and administering design-build projects. It provides policies and procedures for contract document development and assembly, project management and execution.
This manual provides the design criteria for highway drainage.
This 2002 edition contains the most current standard specifications, construction practices, techniques, and record keeping.
These custom stormwater manuals guide MDOT SHA districts managing the volume, flow rate, and quality of stormwater runoff before that water enters natural waterways or groundwater.
Instructions for using PONTIS/AASHTO bridge management software.
This is a guide to building within the MDOT SHA right of way.
Use QPL to identify approved suppliers.
The price index provides engineers, consultants and contractors with a complete, up-to-date list of prices on pay items used by and for the MDOT SHA.
This policy addresses the issues pertaining to the warranting, funding, design, construction, and maintenance of pedestrian lighting systems in which the Administration will be involved.
This design guide was developed to assist the transportation engineer in designing public sidewalks and crossings that comply with the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act.
The document guides transportation planners and engineers about accommodations that improve bicycling in Maryland.
From the Maryland Department of the Environment.
Contains physical test values of samples taken from aggregate producers.
Directions on landscaping roads and highways.
Labs recognized by the Landscape Operations Division.
Provides guidance on the proper selection and location of lighting that will provide increased safety, and sufficient visibility, for roadway users while maximizing energy efficiency and minimizing expenditures.
Research the design of traffic barriers and traffic-barrier end treatments.
The book contains design details about signs that can be used on Maryland highways.
Ride Specification provides guidance to using the Pavement Surface Profile.
These are notes from meetings between MDOT SHA and industry about improving the quality of materials used on State highways.
Learn the details of designing and building roundabouts in the State.
This reference and planning document identifies highway improvements to serve existing and projected State population and economic activity.
Information about submitting Highway User Revenue (HUR) reports.
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