How do I do business with the State Highway Administration?
Visit the
MDOT SHA Business Center.
How do I contact Customer Service?
Visit the Contact MDOT SHA page
You can also call a
local district office.
How do I obtain a map?
The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) now offers a large selection of interactive, downloadable, and printed maps that are useful to contractors, truckers, planners, and the public.
Find a map at
GIS Open Data Portal.
How do I obtain a hauling permit?
Hauling Permits to apply for a hauling permit and view information on fees, restrictions, standards, laws and more.
Where are Maryland’s vehicle weigh stations?
Truck Weigh and Inspection Stations (TWIS) are maintained by MDOT SHA and operated by either the Maryland State Police (MSP) or Maryland Transportation Authority Police (MDTAP).
here for locations, truck parking, contact information and more.
Do I need a junkyard license?
The Federal Highway Beautification Act of 1965 requires states to provide effective control of junkyards along federally-funded highways. In addition, State laws regulate junkyards along State-maintained highways (Sections 8-801 thru 8-812, of the Annotated Code of Maryland). These laws allow MDOT SHA, as the regulatory agency, to monitor junkyards and keep our highways and roadsides beautiful and safe.
Apply for a license at
Customer Service. In the topic section, select “Junkyard Management.”
How can I place an advertising sign on or near a State road?
Begin by downloading the
Application for Sign Tag Permit. Visit
Outdoor Advertising for more information.
How do I find out about a planned or current construction project?
To find out about planned projects and related public meetings, visit the
MDOT SHA Project Portal.
There you can also find current construction updates.
How do I submit a product for MDOT SHA to consider adding to its procurement list?
Visit the
Maryland Product Evaluation List (MPEL) for instructions.
How do I find out about lane closures, traffic conditions, and weather-related problems?
Maryland 511/the Coordinated Highways Action Response Team (CHART).
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