Office of Equal Opportunity

The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) is responsible for planning, developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating Civil Rights Programmatic areas within the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA). These programs include Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964), Environmental Justice, Disadvantaged/Minority Business Enterprise Programs (D/MBE), Veteran Small Business Enterprise (VSBE) Program, Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program, Contractor Compliance/ On-the-Job Training (OJT) and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

OEO is responsible for the District Equal Opportunity Officers (DEEO) in MDOT SHA's seven districts and Hanover Complex, as well as Headquarters Contract Compliance Officers (HQCCO).  OEO also oversees all Civil Rights Programs of the Public Private Partnership (P3) project. 

Mission Statement

OEO will promote equal opportunity on behalf of all customers of State Highway Administration, both internal and external, by providing improved services and support to all program areas.


“To ensure that the State Highway Administration is an organization that is free from discrimination in all program areas and promotes equity and equality during every facet of our day to day business activities.”

Title VII, Employment Discrimination 

Title VI, Environmental Justice 

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise and Minority Business Enterprise (D/MBE) Program

Contractor Compliance/On-the-Job Training (OJT)

Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

National Summer Transportation Institute Program

To address the need for a diverse workforce and create awareness of career choices in the transportation industry, the US DOT and FHWA established the National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) Program. This career-awareness initiative stimulates interest in middle and high school participants, provides academic enhancement and encourages students to pursue transportation-related course work at the college and university level.

We are accepting applications for the 2025 NSTI Program

Required Documents for Application:

PRG Procurement Review Group

Effective January 28, 2025, the facilitation of setting Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Small Business Reserve (SBR), Small Business Enterprise (SBE), and Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprise (VSBE) contract goals for SHA's state and federally funded contracts will move to the Office of Equal Opportunity's (OEO) Procurement Review Group (PRG).​

PRG Meetings are held bi-weekly via Microsoft Teams, starting at 1:00 pm

To process projects promptly, OEO asks that the appropriate project documentation be submitted to the SHA PRG Requests email inbox: by the deadline listed on the PRG schedule. Failure to provide the required documentation by the listed date will result in the project being reviewed at the next scheduled meeting​.​

PRG Packet needs to include the following

  • PRG Coversheet
  • Completed PRG Request Form (if applicable)
  • Scope of Work
  • Project Description
  • Project Specs
  • Engineer's Estimate

PRG Documents

Related Federal and State Links