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The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) makes the accommodation of persons with disabilities an integral element of our planning, design, construction, operations and maintenance.
All projects, regardless of the contract administrator, must accommodate and provide accessibility for persons with disabilities where it is reasonable, feasible and appropriate. This policy extends to facilities and access to community meetings, utility relocation, access permits and reimbursement projects. Providing accommodations is especially important where existing and proposed land use includes sidewalks and pedestrian access. Accommodations apply to employment, education, residential, commercial, recreation and transit centers, as well as trip generation.
Under Title II of the ADA, an MDOT SHA employee or customer can seek an ADA Accommodation. For help, complete the MDOT SHA ADA form HERE or contact Khadriah Ward, Deputy Director of Office of Equal Opportunity, at 410-545-8477 or
We're available on the following channels.