Utility & Project Coordination

Below are documents, flowcharts and standard operating procedures explaining how the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (SHA) coordinates with utilities on SHA projects.

  • MDOT’s Utility Policy
    MDOT’s Utility Policy

    This policy 1. sets standards for assessing utilities during planning and design; 2. promotes early utility coordination between project phases; 3. keeps utility impact to a minimum; 4. establishes clear lines of communications for utilities coordination; and 5. standardizes how MDOT handles utilities across all modes.

  • Delegation of Authority
    MDOT Delegation of Authority

    Delegation from MDOT’s secretary for all modes to comply with this policy and supporting documents.

  • Project Delivery and Utility Process Improvement Standard Operating Procedures SOP
    SHA Project Delivery and Utility Process Improvement SOP
    This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) mitigates risk associated with project delays and cost increases from utilities; 2. establishes consistency and streamlines the utility process; and 3. establishes a weblink for the Utility Center and SHA Project Development Hub with information and guidance.
  • Project Delivery Permits and Approvals Checklist
    Permits and Approvals Checklist

    Use this Excel spreadsheet to identify required project delivery permits and approvals.

  • How to Use the Project Delivery and Permits and Approvals Checklist
    How to Use the Project Delivery and Permits and Approvals Checklist
    This detailed set of instructions will guide you as you complete the checklist above.

  • Project Coordination manual cover
    Chapter 8 - Project Coordination
    This document is an excerpt from SHA’s Utility Manual and details utility relocation best practices. The milestones, steps and processes outlined in this guideline help coordinate utilities impacted by MDOT SHA projects.


  • Utility Coordination Overview Flowchart image
    Utility Coordination Overview Flowchart

    This flowchart provides a general overview of the Utility Coordination Process for SHA’s projects.

  • Utility Coordination Process Flowchart image
    Detailed Utility Coordination Process Flowchart

    This flowchart details, step-by-step, the Utility Coordination Process for SHA’s projects as per Chapter 8 of SHA’s Utility Manual.