I-68 sign
Motorists can Expect Single-Lane Closures During the Project
(October 30, 2023) – The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration is beginning an $18.2 million project this week to replace two bridges on I-68 (National Freeway) over Creek Road in Hancock, Washington County. The current bridges, initially constructed in 1978, are nearing the end of their service life and are due for replacement. The project is expected to be complete in 2025, weather permitting.
During construction, traffic in both eastbound and westbound directions will be reduced to a single travel lane. At the start of the project, crews will close the right lane in the eastbound direction for patching on the right shoulder. Once the patching is complete, temporary barrier walls will be installed in both eastbound and westbound directions, and single-lane traffic will be maintained in each direction throughout the duration of the project.
The maintenance of Maryland’s bridges is essential for the smooth flow of traffic and safety of all our users. The State Highway Administration is dedicated to making significant investments statewide into bridge safety and maintaining a state of good repair.
State Highway Administration contractor Triton Construction Inc., of St. Albans, W.Va., will perform the work. Learn more about the project here.
The State Highway Administration understands lane closures can be inconvenient, but the work is necessary to maintain and improve the transportation system. Drivers are asked to stay alert, stay focused, look for reduced speed limits as well as driving pattern changes, and slow down in construction zones.
Motorists in need may dial #77 on their mobile devices for roadside assistance.
For a list of all major State Highway Administration projects, go to
Project Portal, or visit the homepage at roads.maryland.gov. For a look at real-time traffic conditions, go to