ABERDEEN, MD (May 1, 2009) – Lt. Governor Anthony Brown joined Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger to announce $65 million to help prepare for nearly 30,000 direct jobs heading to Maryland through the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) decision in Maryland. The federal funds will pay for road, mass transit, and other important infrastructure improvements near Aberdeen Proving Ground in Harford County and Fort Meade in Anne Arundel County.           
“I want to thank Team Maryland, especially Senators Mikulski and Cardin and Congressman Ruppersberger, for fighting on behalf of the people of Maryland for these vital infrastructure investments,” said Governor O’Malley. “These funds not only create jobs for Marylanders, but they also help create the long-term investment in our roads, bridges, and mass transit systems that will be needed to support the thousands of new households headed to Maryland through the BRAC process.”          
“The tens of thousands of new jobs and families moving to Maryland are both a great opportunity and a great challenge for our state. Especially in these trying economic times, additional high-paying jobs are always great news, but we need to make sure that we preserve the great quality of life that existing residents experience all across the state. Team Maryland is committed to bringing Maryland the resources it needs to make the move a great success,” said Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD), a Member of the House Appropriations Committee.           
Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown chairs Maryland’s BRAC Subcabinet, an effort of the O’Malley-Brown Administration to coordinate Maryland’s preparations for BRAC by working horizontally across state government and vertically through partnerships with local, county, state and federal government, and works closely with our Maryland Senators and Representatives on seeking federal funding for BRAC improvements.          
“BRAC is all about jobs, jobs, jobs,” Lt. Governor Brown said. “In the coming years, Maryland will create as many as 60,000 new, high-paying jobs because of BRAC. To ensure that we successfully fill those jobs, the State of Maryland is working with our colleges, universities and community colleges to educate the workforce. And to ensure we have the infrastructure in place before 2011, we’re partnering with our federal leaders like Senators Mikulski and Cardin, Congressman Ruppersberger and others to fight for Maryland’s fair share of federal construction dollars.”          
“BRAC brings great opportunities, but it also brings great challenges. I want to make sure Maryland has the federal resources it needs to implement BRAC decisions and meet the increased demands on our communities,” said Senator Barbara Mikulski, who helped secure the federal funding as a member of the Senate Transportation, Housing and Urban Development subcommittee. “That’s why I was proud to put funds in the federal checkbook for BRAC projects in Maryland in the recently passed 2009 federal appropriations bill and the economic recovery bill. These federal funds take the burden off local taxpayers. It shouldn’t fall upon locals – like single moms and small business owners – to meet federal responsibilities where the federal budget is skimpy and spartan.”          
The federal funds were included in the Omnibus bill and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that recently passed Congress:           
$13.5 million to improve MARC Commuter Rail Stations and the Aberdeen Rail Storage Yard and purchase new rail cars. Current ridership exceeds 30,000 daily trips and is expected to grow to 36,000 within five years because of BRAC and other growth.           
$3.1 million to improve access to Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) in Harford County by upgrading intersections along the highways leading to the base.           
$3.1 million to improve access to Fort Meade in Anne Arundel County to help relieve traffic congestion.           
$2.4 million to upgrade locally operated bus systems in communities across Maryland including the Central Maryland Facility at Fort Meade and to purchase new buses.           
$500,000 to design and construct a new pipeline for wastewater reuse from the Joppatowne Wastewater Treatment Plant to the proposed County Recovery Facility at APG.           
$35 million for 45 infrastructure improvement projects at Aberdeen Proving Ground including boiler upgrades, roof repairs, building renovations, elevator improvements, and heating and cooling enhancements.           
$7 million for 6 infrastructure improvement projects at Fort Meade including stairwell upgrades, health clinic modernizations, elevator replacements, electrical repairs, and energy improvements.           
Over the past two years, the O’Malley-Brown Administration has worked diligently with Maryland’s Congressional delegation to ensure that Maryland is prepared for the infusion of new residents and jobs over the coming years as a result of BRAC. Progress includes the creation of workforce development programs through a U.S. Department of Labor grant; the establishment of One-Stop Career Centers and informational kiosks at Fort Monmouth and at military installations in Northern Virginia; and the creation of BRACSTAT to evaluate and improve programs presented in the BRAC Action Plan.          
Maryland has invested $183 million to expand wastewater treatment plant capacity, mitigate the environmental impact of additional wastewater discharge on the Chesapeake Bay and upgrade water and sewer systems in counties impacted by BRAC. Since taking office, Maryland has invested more than $1 billion in school construction, a majority directed toward counties that are slated to receive the most significant BRAC growth.           
