(November 18, 2011) – Maryland Transportation Secretary Beverley K. Swaim-Staley today announced that the project to replace the intersection of US 301 (Blue Star Memorial Highway) and MD 304 (Ruthsburg Road) with two “J-turns” will open to traffic Monday, November 21, weather permitting.
“We are pleased the interim safety project is opening ahead of schedule,” said Secretary Swaim-Staley. “The new traffic configuration will be in place prior to the Thanksgiving holiday and the anticipated increase in traffic along the corridor. We will continue to monitor traffic conditions with the J-turns in place to make sure that these safety improvements are as effective as possible.”
J-turns have worked in many locations through the state and along US 301 to reduce crashes by an average of 80 percent. SHA expects similar results with this project.
The week after Thanksgiving work is expected to begin on the concrete islands in the median intersection and on MD 304 east and west. SHA engineers will remain on site after the “J-Turns” are opened and will monitor the new traffic pattern.
“J-turns” restrict side street traffic from traveling straight across the median roadway gap. Motorists from either direction on MD 304 will turn right at US 301, merge with mainline traffic, and then enter the left median lane downstream from the intersection. One “J-turn” is located 1,500 feet south of the current intersection and the second is 2,500 feet to the north. Drivers then make a U-turn back onto US 301 for a short distance where they can then exit via a right-hand turn on to MD 304.
The new “J-turns” are located on US 301 between Rolling Bridge Road to the south and MD 305 to the north. The project will also include marked bike paths both about 100 feet to the north and south of the current crossover. While this new traffic pattern may take additional time to travel, the safety benefits far outweigh the few moments of added travel time. The J-turn may save time as it eliminates the need to wait for a sizable gap in traffic to make it across both directions of US 301. Five other intersections along US 301 have been replaced by “J-turns,” which have proven to be effective at enhancing traffic safety.
Work will be conducted Monday and Fridays between 6:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the median at the intersection. Crews will use variable message signs, cones and barrels together with a flagging operation directing single lane closures. The contract for the J-Turn and the intersection modifications was awarded to David A. Bramble, Inc. of Chestertown for approximately $1.3 million.
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