Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO)
Transportation Systems Management and Operations or TSMO is the integrated approach of the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (SHA) to planning,
engineering, operating and maintaining existing facilities to maximize their full-service potential, and ultimately
improve the safety, security and reliability of our transportation network. TSMO looks at performance from a
system-wide perspective, not just one strategy, project or corridor. Strategies are coordinated with others across
multiple jurisdictions, agencies, and modes.
The TSMO Program provides an interface to other program areas like asset management, capital projects, planning
and programming, maintenance, and construction inside SHA, with MDOT modes,
and other stakeholders through ITS projects, telecommunications infrastructure, Advanced Traffic Management
Systems, and data analytics and performance management.
Please view the video below to learn more about how TSMO applies to the future of Maryland transportation.
Learn More
Interested in knowing more? Click the links below to explore details about TSMO and MDOT SHA’s TSMO program.