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The Office of Policy and Research (OPR) supports the mission of the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (SHA) by providing a central source of leadership to advise the Administrator and SHA on Public Information Act requests, external correspondence, the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR), ethics and knowledge management. OPR also manages SHA’s research program and Maryland participation in AASHTO STEM Outreach Solutions.
This division coordinates all Public Information Act (PIA) requests received by SHA. It also ensures that SHA complies with correspondence policies and coordinates COMAR regulation updates.
This division manages the unique TRAC and RIDES AASHOT STEM Outreach Solutions program for middle school and high school students exploring a future as transportation engineers.
This division delivers an annual Research Work Program (approximately $4.4 million) that supports SHA’s business needs. This division also serves as a hub for knowledge management and records management.
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