AASHTO STEM Outreach Solutions

TRAC: Transportation and Civil Engineering Program Overview 

​The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) has partnered with AASHTO STEM Outreach Solutions ​to provide engaging, instructional activities at no cost to Maryland teachers and instructors!  The partnership through AASHTO consists of two parts:

  • ​The “TRAC” Program for grades 7-12
  • The “RIDES” Program for grades K-8

Both programs include hands-on activities t​​hat are aligned with current national standards and are popular among Maryland students and teachers.

For more information, view the TRAC AASHTO STEM Outreach Solutions ​​brochure.

If you would like to bring TRAC and/or RIDES to your school, please send an email to LGray2@mdot.maryland.gov.​

TRA​C Program (TRansportation And Civil engineering)

The TRAC program teaches real-world applications of science, technology and math (STEM) to students in grades 7-12.  SHA provides teachers with professionally developed curricula, supplies and software to perform each activity.  Because all units are self-contained, teachers can pick and choose units relevant to their curriculum. These team-based activities teach students how to apply concepts they've learned and prepare them for real-world scenarios. 

For more information, to to the TRAC bro​​chure.

Our most popular TRAC module is Bridge Desig​​n, which includes a national competition!  Other modules include Environmental Engineering, Highway Safety, Magnetic Levitation, Design and Construction, Motion, and Traffic Technology.  

In 2022 a Maryland team won the Bridge Building National Challenge in the 7th and 8th grade category!  In 2023, four Maryland teams participated in the final round in Seattle!  They also got to tour the world’s longest floating bridge! 

This short video shows a few highlights of the 2023 Bridge Building Challenge:

RIDES Program (Roadways Into Developing Elementary Students)

The RIDES program is tailored to students in grades K-8. Teachers attend one-to-two days of training conducted by national board-certified teachers.  Teachers receive a ready-made curriculum and large trunk of materials for each activity!  All lessons are designed to bring science and math concepts to life.

RIDES curriculum includes units on Transportation and Energy, Roadway Geometry, Humans and Nature, and Designing Ways.  

The following short video shows one of our recent teacher trainings:

For more information, click on the link to the RIDES brochure.

Maryland’s 7th& 8th grade team, “TRUSSworthy Pals,” won 3rd place in the Bridge Building Challenge!

Maryland’s 7th& 8th grade team, “TRUSSworthy Pals,” won 3rd place in the Bridge Building Challenge!

Cherry is 3” team members make final adjustments to their bridge at the national competition

“Cherry is 3” team members make final adjustments to their bridge at the national competition.

RIDES Teachers and educators testing hands-on activities during a 2023 training​ day.

RIDES Teachers and educators testing hands-on activities during a 2023 training​ day.

SHA TRAC and RIDES team at Cyber Defender Expo.

SHA TRAC and RIDES team at the Cyber Defender Expo, a remarkable event hosted at Old Mill Middle School South. THE SHA TRAC and RIDES team attended the event, educating and inspiring young minds about the world of cybersecurity and transportation.

For more information, contact​

Leo Gray
Maryland TRAC/RIDES Program Manager