Contact SHA

Service Request Form

Request help with potholes, dead animals, traffic signs, signals, litter and other non-emergency issues.

District offices and Maintenance Shops ​​

We have a district office and a maintenance shop near you. Contact your local office about traffic congestion, projects, construction, signals, maintenance, utilities, and rights of way.​

Administrative Offices​

Find a Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (SHA) office and phone number.

Our Website and Social Media​

This website complies with nonvisual accessibility requirements and protects the privacy of our online visitors. If you post to our social media, you must follow basic guidelines.

County Departments of Transportation​

Maryland's counties maintain county roads. This page lists county departments of transportation, their websites and their contact information

Public Information Act requests​

Learn about the Maryland Public Information Act and how to file a request. The federal government's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is at