County Roads Departments Frequently Requested Phone Numbers

Below is contact information for county departments of transportation, where you can report issues related to roads that are not maintained by the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA).

Note that SHA owns and maintains non-toll, numbered roads (Interstate, U.S. and Maryland roads, represented, for example, as I-495, US 1 and MD 100) in Maryland's 23 counties. MDOT SHA does not maintain any Baltimore City or county/municipal roads.

Consult MDOT Know Your Roads ​to determine if your street is maintained by SHA or a Maryland county.

Click HERE to report an issue on an MDOT SHA road.

County Departments of Transportation

CountyPhone Number Website Address
Allegany County1-301-777-5955 Link
Anne Arundel County1-410-222-7940 Link
Baltimore City311 or
Baltimore County1-410-887-3560 Link
Calvert County1-410-535-0905 Link
Caroline County1-410-479-0520 Link
Carroll County1-410-386-6717 Link
Cecil County1-410-996-6270 Link
Charles County1-301-932-3450 Link
Dorchester County1-410-228-2920 Link
Frederick County1-301-600-1564 Link
Garrett County1-301-334-7488 Link
Harford County1-410-638-3532 Link
Howard County1-410-313-7450 Link
Kent County1-410-778-4252 Link
Montgomery County311 or
Prince George's County311 or 1-301-499-8531 Link
Queen Anne's County 1-410-758-0920 Link
St. Mary's County311 or 1-301-475-4200 Link
Somerset County1-410-651-1930 Link
Talbot County1-410-770-8150 Link
Washington County 1-240-313-2720 Link
Wicomico County1-410-548-4872 Link
Worcester County1-410-632-1315 Link