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Maintenance for the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) means removing highway litter, mowing grass that blocks highway visibility, cleaning roads and preventing water from overflowing ditches, keeping our fleet in good repair and responding forcefully to winter weather.

Idling Practices

Our improved approach reduces emissions and saves taxpayer dollars.

Litter Removal

… addresses the accumulation of garbage on our highways with our staff aided by volunteers and business.​

Road Sweeping & Ditch/Culvert Cleaning

Our approach provides you with safe sightlines while preventing debris from flowing into the Chesapeake Bay.

Vehicle and Equipment Fleet

Preventive maintenance keeps our 2,000+ vehicles responsive to public needs and lessens their impact on the environment.

Winter Operations

Preparing for ice and snow is a year-round concern for MDOT SHA: we plan, stockpile salt and brine (see our Salt Management Plan), and, when the weather turns cold, respond promptly to clear our roads (see our 2024-2025 Winter Hired Equipment Presentation​), making a minimal impact on streams and the Chesapeake Bay.