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7491 Connelley DriveHanover, Maryland 21076410-582-5727 or 410-582-5734Phone:
EMERGENCY MOVESFor AFTER HOUR EMERGENCY moves, contact our State Operations Center at 410-582-5650 or
Duane Pearce, Chief, Motor Carrier Division- Dpearce@mdot.maryland.govJosette Kaintuck, Hauling Permits Manager- Jkaintuck@mdot.maryland.govTina Sanders, Technical Support Manager- 443-618-7108
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Maryland Motor Carrier Division is offering FREE training to companies interested in regulatory compliance, load securement, roadside inspection familiarization, size, weight and permitting regulations. Companies interested should email with contact information, subject and material interests, tentative dates and location to schedule..
We're available on the following channels.