(July 12, 2013) – In an effort to address an ongoing problem with trucks getting stuck under a railroad overpass, the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) is implementing a new truck restriction on a section of
MD 75 (Green Valley Road) near Monrovia in Frederick County.
Starting Thursday, July 18, commercial vehicles over 48 feet long or over 102 inches wide will be restricted from using MD 75 between MD 80 (Fingerboard Road) and West Baldwin Road. Violations of the restriction will carry a fine of up to $500.
SHA traffic engineers coordinated with SHA’s Motor Carrier Division to develop the restriction. Trucks that exceed the 48-foot length and 102-inch width would also be too tall for the bridge clearance of 12 feet, 6 inches. Signs about the restriction will be posted on MD 75 as well as along MD 355, MD 80 and the I-70 ramps to MD 75.
“Despite the existing low-clearance warning signs, we are continuing to have problems with trucks that are too large attempting to use this route and becoming wedged under the railroad bridge,” SHA District Engineer David Coyne said. “We hope the new restriction and additional signs will help get truck drivers’ attention and make it easier for them to determine if their vehicles are too large.”
Problems with stuck trucks have worsened since a Costco Distribution Depot opened on Intercoastal Drive off West Baldwin Road in Monrovia. Trucks should access the depot from the north by taking I-70 to exit 62 (MD 75 south), then continuing straight onto W. Baldwin Road at the point where MD 75 makes a left turn. In the past, some drivers who have gotten stuck have said GPS devices misdirected them to continue on MD 75. As part of the signage for the new truck restriction, SHA is also installing new signs on southbound MD 75 that indicate drivers should keep straight on West Baldwin Road to access Intercoastal Drive.
Motorists with questions about traffic on MD 75 or other State numbered routes in Frederick County may contact SHA’s District 7 Office at 301-624-8100, or toll-free at 800-635-5119.
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