(April 18, 2019) – Beginning at 8 p.m. Monday, April 29, the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) will perform a traffic switch at the I-68 (National Freeway) Bridge over MD 639 (Willowbrook Road) in Cumberland, Allegany County. To perform the traffic shift, crews will detour traffic from each direction of I-68 to the MD 639 ramps. Traffic will travel off the ramps, across MD 639 and back onto I-68 in each respective direction. The shift will be complete by 6 a.m. Thursday, April 25.
During the traffic shift and detour of I-68 across the interchange, traffic on MD 639 will be guided by a flagging operation. Should a police, fire or EMS response occur, priority will be giving to the emergency vehicles.
Following the traffic shift, MDOT SHA’s contractor, Triton Construction Inc., of St. Albans, West Virginia, will begin the final phase of the project, which includes bridge deck demolition and reconstruction of the driving surface and parapet walls. After Wednesday’s temporary closure and detour of I-68, crews will work Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday nights between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. MD 639 traffic will be guided through the project during these work times with a flagging operation.
The entire project will be complete early-fall.
MDOT SHA works hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones for our crews as well as our contractor. Drivers need to stay alert, focus on the road and look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. Drive like you work here and slowdown in construction zones.
For a look at real-time commute conditions, log onto https://chart.maryland.gov/.