The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) is hosting an informational meeting about an upcoming project to replace the MD 7 (Philadelphia Road) Bridge over James Run between MD 136 (Calvary Road) and MD 543 (Riverside Parkway) in eastern Harford County. The bridge will be closed to all traffic in summer 2014. SHA invites residents and business owners to attend the meeting and learn more about the project and detours.
Thursday, July 18 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Abingdon Fire Company Hall, 3306 Abingdon Road, Abingdon, MD 21009
The MD 7 Bridge over James Run, built in 1925, will be replaced by SHA summer 2014. SHA will remove and replace the existing bridge with a wider, single span bridge that will provide two 11-foot travel lanes and two 5-foot shoulders for travelers and improve stream flow beneath the bridge. SHA will close the bridge to all traffic after Harford County Public Schools close summer 2014. SHA will provide a marked detour route for all traffic.
The informational meeting will be an open-house style meeting; no formal presentation will be given. SHA will set up display areas with bridge project information and detour route maps, and SHA representatives will be available to discuss the project and answer any questions.
For additional information on this project, please contact Mr. John Narer, SHA Project Manager, SHA Office of Structures, 410-545-8368, toll-free at 1-888-375-1084, or by email at A project summary is available online: and select: Projects and Studies/Transportation Projects/Page Harford County/Pre-Construction.
Persons requiring assistance to participate, such as an interpreter for hearing/speech disabilities or assistance with the English language, should contact Mr. Narer by July 11. The Maryland Relay Service can assist teletype users at 711.