US 50 sign

US 50 sign

​U.S. Department of Transportation Grant Designed to Enhance Access Along US 50, Reinforce Community Connections 

(March 20, 2024) – The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration has been awarded a $3.3 million federal grant to support pedestrian safety improvements and enhance mobility along US 50 for the Easton community in Talbot County. The grant is from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Reconnecting Communities Pilot and Neighborhood Access and Equity Program, designed to support projects that restore and enhance community connections in areas where transportation facilities have historically divided neighborhoods and created barriers for connectivity, accesses and economic development.

The project, Enhancing Easton Neighborhood Access on US 50, will make pedestrian safety and traffic improvements to increase access for vulnerable users traveling to destinations across and along US 50 between Dutchman’s Lane and Lomax Street, benefitting the community.

“Federal funding is critically important in our efforts to improve the safety of our communities and deliver equitable transportation projects,” said Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul J. Wiedefeld. “The Maryland Department of Transportation was proud to work closely with our federal partners and municipalities throughout the state to compete for this important funding. The $3.3 million awarded to the Easton neighborhood access project will continue our momentum to make US 50 safer and more accessible and will increase access to essential destinations for the community in a historically disadvantaged rural area.” 

US 50 and MD 328 intersection. SHA photo
US 50 and MD 328 intersection. SHA photo​ 

The grant will fund $3.3 million of the overall $5.6 million project, which includes:

  • new sidewalks in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act;
  • high-visibility intercontinental crosswalks;
  • new pedestrian signals at MD 328 (Goldsborough Street/Matthewstown Road) and MD 331 (Dover Road) on US 50;
  • installation of raised, landscaped medians and pedestrian islands;
  • lengthening left turns and adding right-turn channels at select locations; and 
  • improving drainage and stormwater features.

With the grant award, the project is now fully funded. Design is anticipated to be completed this coming winter, with construction expected to begin in 2025.

US 50 is a major route for Eastern Shore traffic and provides critical access for the Easton community to the surrounding region. The project will improve safety and traffic flow and support Easton’s small-town character while promoting economic growth, equitable access and better connections to transit services provided by Maryland Upper Shore Transit. 

“We are delighted about this opportunity to deliver two of Talbot County’s top priority safety requests at the Goldsborough Street and Dover Street intersections with US 50,” said State Highway Administrator William Pines. “This federal grant award enables us to provide critical infrastructure upgrades to promote safety along with accessibility, mobility, economic development and a high quality of life for the community.” 

The US 50/Easton grant was announced March 13 as part of $3.33 billion in grants for 132 projects nationwide through the Reconnecting Communities Pilot and Neighborhood Access and Equity programs, part of the Biden Administration’s Investing in America Agenda. In all, Maryland received $12,362,759 in grant awards. Other projects receiving grants were submitted by the Town of Berlin and the cities of Aberdeen, Baltimore, Frederick and Rockville. 

The Maryland Department of Transportation continues to actively pursue federal grant opportunities to assist in funding state and local transportation needs and has resources available to help partners and stakeholder groups apply for federal grants. 

The department’s Federal Grant Information website offers information on open grants, webinars, advice for applicants and a mailing list to keep all parties up to date. Counties, local jurisdictions and other partners are encouraged to follow the page and sign up for the mailing list. For details, contact Sean Winkler at
