(January 8, 2022) - The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) is preparing for the potential of freezing rain Sunday morning.
The National Weather Service expects the freezing rain to transition to rain later Sunday. Overnight temperatures Sunday night could lead to icy road conditions during Monday’s commute.
MDOT SHA crews will patrol for freezing conditions and treat accordingly. Motorists are urged to avoid or delay travel in the morning hours Sunday and Monday, and if possible, telework.
For those who do have to travel, MDOT SHA offers the following guidelines:
- Slow down. Posted speed limits are for ideal weather conditions.
- Use extra caution on elevated surfaces, such as bridges, overpasses and ramps. These areas freeze first.
- Don’t crowd the plow. Leave plenty of space between your vehicle and MDOT SHA equipment.
Statewide Transportation Operations Resource Map (STORM) identifies where MDOT SHA and contractual equipment is and where they have been. MDOT SHA also invites drivers to view the hundreds of live traffic cameras that enables smart travel decisions.