May 16 2019MDOT SHA To Host Bike to Work Day Pit Stop, Friday, May 17Statewide | Bicycles | Bike to Work DayMaryland Bicyclists Featured in Safety Campaign to Remind Everyone to Look Out for Each Other; Drive Smart and Bike Smart [Click here...]
May 31 2018MDOT SHA To Host Bike to Work Day Pit Stop Tomorrow MorningStatewide | Bicycles | Bike to Work DayCyclists and Drivers are Encouraged to Look Out for Each Other on Maryland Roadways [Click here...]
May 8 2018Maryland Safe Routes to School Program Recognizes Bike to School Day ParticipantsStatewide | Bicycles | Bike to Work DayHundreds of Maryland Students Participating in National Bike to School Day, Wednesday, May 9; Drivers Urged to Pay Close Attention [Click here...]
May 19 2017We’re on This Road TogetherStatewide | Bicycles | Bike to Work DayIn recognition of Bike to Work Day being celebrated today, the Maryland Department of Transportation joined partners in Baltimore and Bethesda events to raise awareness of bicycle safety and access. [Click here...]
May 12 2015We’re On This Road Together: Expect & Respect 2015 CampaignStatewide | Bicycles | Bike to Work DaySixty Percent of Bicycle Crashes Occur May through September [Click here...]