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Hauling Permits

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Maryland State Highway Administration
7491 Connelley Drive
Hanover, Maryland 21076

Emergency Moves

For AFTER HOUR EMERGENCY moves, contact our State Operations Center at 410-582-5650 or

Hauling Permits Manager-
Technical Support Manager - 443-618-7108
Hours: M-F 7:30 am - 4:30 pm          
Note: Closed 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. daily

Phone: 1-800-846-6435 or 1-800-543-4564


Hauling Permits News

​100k Containerized Cargo Permits

100k Containerized Cargo Permits--State Highway Administration, Baltimore City DOT and the Port of Baltimore are providing a Special Hauling permit for containerized cargo up to and including 100k with 6 axles, following all containerized cargo regulations available temporarily free of charge.  Your delivery needs are important to us during this critical time, feel free to reach out to us with your concerns regarding permitting and routing issues at 

Transporting Hazardous Materials

Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) govern the transport of hazardous materials across our toll facilities. Under these regulations, vehicles carrying bottled propane gas in excess of 10 pounds per container (maximum of 10 containers), bulk gasoline, explosives, significant amounts of radioactive materials, and other hazardous materials are prohibited from using the Fort McHenry Tunnel (I-95) or the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel (I-895). Drivers should use the western section of I-695 around tunnels. 

CLOSED- Francis Scott Key Bridge

​CLOSED- Francis Scott Key Bridge- The Key Bridge is CLOSED due to a bridge collapse. Please check your permit and route.  Any permit using this route will need to be rerouted through the Maryland One permit system.  Contact the permit office if assistance is needed  or 1-800-543-4564

All Hauling Permits News

General Information


Use these Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) forms to obtain bonds from insurance companies


Directions to the Maryland State Highway Administration's Hanover offices

Escort waiting areas (PDF, 2.58MB)

With maps and restrictions for vehicles escorting oversize loads

Exceptional permit (PDF, 42kb)

Instructions to obtain an exception for special loads

Frequently requested numbers

Find importation State and federal phone numbers


This interactive map shows highway construction sites and where you can view camera footage of road conditions

Maryland One online permitting

Register and submit your hauling permit online. Check here for instructions.

Maryland State Police

Headquarters, barracks, and phone numbers for the Maryland State Police

Motor Carrier Handbook

Traveler Information

Lane closures Information and detours, as well as live traffic cameras from the Coordinated Highways Action Response Team (CHART)

Weather-related information

Check here for current information. In an emergency, call 410-582-5650.

Laws and Regulations


Title 11 Regulations from the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR)

Hauling permit general conditions

Requirements and regulations for those granted hauling permits 

Maryland vehicle law

Search the COMAR table of contents for Maryland laws applying to vehicles and permits

Payment, Fees

Payment information for hauling permit customers

To pay for hauling permits, consult the instructions, address, and phone numbers on this page

Permit fees

Listing of fees for loads requiring a permit.(PDF format)

Toll rates

Vehicles with 3 or more axles: Click here for information from the Maryland Transportation Authority

Restrictions and Limitations

Route restrictions

Listing of routes with restrictions for oversize/overweight vehicles

Height Surveys

With the increase in bridge strikes we have been seeing lately, all permit applications that involve an over height dimension of 14” 6” (fourteen feet - six inches) or higher will require a height clearance route survey certification as part of the permit application. Please include the application number when you fax (800-945-3416) the survey to our office.

Intercounty Connector MD 200 - toll (PDF)

Load information

Truck over dimensional permit limitations

Weight/height and underclearance restrictions

Bridge clearances for State maintained bridges

Additional Resources