Bicycle & Pedestrian Resources in Your Community

Pedestrians in crosswalk​The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) partners with communities and groups in local bicycle and pedestrian networks around the State. Maryland accommodates alternative modes of transportation, such as walking and bicycling. In recent years, more attention has been given to walking and bicycling as forms of commuting to promote a more sustainable lifestyle.

Specially Designated Bicycle & Pedestrian Priority Areas (BPPAs)

BPPAs help plan customized facilities in parts of the State with high demand.

Bicycle Helmets

This section explains helmet laws and practices like fitting your helmet for maximum protection.

Bicycle and Pedestrian System Preservation Programs

This page reviews special funding for bicycle paths and sidewalks.

Context Driven: Access and Mobility for All Users

This web portal provides the tools for transportation planners and designers to implement MDOT SHA’s Context Guide.  It also tracks MDOT SHA’s progress implementing Context Driven improvements statewide.

Biking Laws​

Maryland State laws for bicyclists and drivers.

Bicycle Clubs, Organizations and Advocacy Groups​

For more information, contact

Molly Porter
Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Planner
Regional and Intermodal Planning Division
MDOT State Highway Administration
707 North Calvert Street MS C-502
Baltimore MD  21202