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Under federal laws, regulations and guidance, state (and local) governments must develop a transition plan to remediate deficiencies addressed in the self-evaluation. The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) transition plan, which goes beyond the minimal requirements, does several things, listed below.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements in the public rights of way are accomplished through a variety of construction and maintenance programs, such are resurfacing and spot safety. However, the ADA Retrofit Program (Fund 33) is specifically targeted to address ADA deficiencies found in the self-evaluation. The MDOT SHA initial Transition Plan was completed in December, 2009. It is continually updated.
The transition plan does several items:
A schedule developed to implement specific improvements based on the prioritization of needs, the estimated cost of improvements, and available funding. The dates for this schedule are tied to the self-evaluation. Maryland’s county-by-county approach to the self-evaluation is intended facilitate early implementation of projects.
The transition plan was developed through the following steps:
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