The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) is continuing the MD 32 (Patuxent Freeway) improvement project between Linden Church Road to I-70. The construction, which includes upgrading MD 32 from a two-lane road to a four-lane highway with shoulders, is scheduled to start summer 2019 with completion expected by summer 2022.
A public meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15, 2019 to provide additional information and give people an opportunity to discuss project details with MDOT SHA representatives and the Design-Build Team. Maps and displays will be on-hand to show project details and expected traffic impacts.
Wednesday, May 15, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Glenelg High School (Cafeteria), 14025 Burntwoods Road, Glenelg, MD 21737
Mr. Jason Stolicny – MDOT/SHA Project Manager
Office of Highway Development
707 N. Calvert Street, Mail Stop C-102
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-545-0379 or Toll-free - 1-888-228-5003
The Maryland Relay Service can assist teletype users at 7-1-1. Persons requiring assistance to participate, such as an interpreter for hearing/speech or assistance with the English language, should contact Mr. Stolicny by Wednesday, May 8.