(September 16, 2014) – It was already a win-win – the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) construction project was doubling the number of parking spaces at the overcrowded Waysons Corner park-and-ride facility using environmentally-friendly “pervious” (porous) concrete materials. Perhaps the only way to improve such a project would be to complete it substantially ahead of schedule. And that’s exactly what SHA did.
The expanded lot at
Southern Maryland Boulevard south of MD 408 (Mt. Zion Marlboro Road) in southern Anne Arundel County opened to vehicles in late August, several months ahead of schedule. While some minor landscape and touch-up work remain, commuters now have full access to 147 total parking spaces, including the 76 new spaces. Much of the new parking lot and sidewalk were constructed using pervious concrete that allows water to pass through instead of running directly into drains. Beneath the pervious material water can seep slowly into the ground and filter naturally. This reduces nitrogen and phosphorous that enter the Chesapeake Bay through tributaries.
“SHA manages hundreds of environmental projects statewide each year and we’re always looking to improve commuter options – so it’s tremendously satisfying when we can combine these goals in one project,” said SHA Administrator Melinda B. Peters, adding “Southern Maryland enjoys a strong commuter network and SHA will continue to evaluate access and ridesharing options to meet local and regional needs.”
The expanded lot also features new energy-efficient LED lighting and bioswales for additional stormwater filtering.
A similar project is nearing completion at the park-and-ride lot along
I-83 at the MD 439 (Old York Road) Interchange near Parkton in Baltimore County where SHA is using pervious concrete to add 50 more spaces to the existing 71-space lot. With good weather this project should be open to traffic this fall.
SHA awarded contracts of $867,000 for the Waysons Corner project and $888,000 for the Parkton project to Concrete General of Gaithersburg. For more information about the Waysons Corner project contact SHA’s District 5 office toll-free at 800-331-5603. For information on the Parkton project contact SHA’s District 4 office toll-free at 866-998-0367.