MD 77 sign
SHA Project Team presents plans to replace bridge
(January 13, 2025) – The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration will host a public open house, 5 - 7 p.m. on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, concerning a project to replace the bridge carrying MD 77 (Rocky Ridge Road) over Beaver Branch and under the Midland Railway in Rocky Ridge Frederick County. The public meeting will be held at the Rocky Ridge Volunteer Fire Company Activities Building, 13516 Motters Station Road, Rocky Ridge MD.
The project will include replacing the bridge with a wider one and making drainage improvements. MD 77 will be closed, and a detour will be in place for approximately eight months to expedite construction and ensure a safe work zone. The detour will direct eastbound and westbound vehicles to MD 76 (Motters Station Road) Appolds Road and Old Frederick Road. Trucks will be detoured to MD 77, MD 550 (Woodsboro Creagerstown Road) and MD 194 (Woodsboro Pike). Construction is expected to begin in spring 2025 and every effort will be made to complete this project by summer 2026 to minimize impact to residents, businesses and motorists.
MD 77 bridge project and public meeting map
At the open house, attendees can view maps and displays highlighting proposed improvements. State Highway Administration representatives will be available to answer project-related questions and listen to feedback. There will be no formal presentation. You may arrive anytime during open house hours and walk through the display area at your own pace. More information about the MD 77 Bridge Replacement Project can be found on the
Project Portal page.
Those requiring assistance to participate in the open house, such as those seeking an interpreter for hearing/speech difficulties or assistance with the English language, may email
SHATitleVI@mdot.maryland.gov in advance of the event. Please indicate the desired language in the subject line. Maryland Relay Service can assist teletype users at 7-1-1.
Questions about the open house or general inquiries can be directed to Project Manager Chris Arendt, P.E., at
carendt@mdot.maryland.gov or Community Relations Manager Elizabeth Harris, at