(July 6, 2011) – On Friday July 8, the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) will temporarily close MD 49 (Braddock Road) at the Macy Road intersection west of La Vale. The 50-day closure is part of a $345,000 project to improve sight distance at the intersection. Weather permitting, work will be complete in late summer.
SHA will improve safety and sight distance at the intersection by removing the out-of-service railroad crossing on MD 49 at Macy Road. Crews will lower the profile of MD 49 at the intersection to improve sight distance for motorists on Macy Road crossing or turning onto MD 49. Removing the four-foot high crest in the roadway will also reduce the potential for high travel speeds and crashes.
SHA is directing motorists to the following routes:
• Motorists west of Macy Road will be directed to southbound MD 658 (Vocke Road) to eastbound I-68 (National Freeway) to northbound US 220 (McMullen Highway) / Greene Street back to MD 49.
• Motorists east of Macy Road will be directed to southbound US 220 / Greene Street to westbound I-68 to northbound MD 658 back to MD 49.
SHA awarded the contract to Belt Paving, Inc. of Cumberland. SHA encourages motorists to stay alert in work zones and slow down. Customers who have questions about traffic operations on MD 49, MD 658, US 220, I-68, or other State numbered routes in Allegany County may call SHA’s District 6 Office at 301-729-8400 or toll free at 1-800-760-7138.
Construction season is here with numerous active work zone sites that include major construction projects taking months to complete and mobile operations taking only minutes. While SHA and its transportation partners work hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones, each driver needs to actively modify his or her driving style to help prevent crashes. Stay alert - look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. Slow down and don't follow too closely. Safer Driving. Safer Work Zones. For everyone.