(June 13, 2011) –The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) is rehabilitating two bridges on northbound and southbound I-270 over MD 80 (Fingerboard Road) and Bennett Creek in Frederick County.  Both bridges are structurally sound but are in need of preventive maintenance to extend their service life after decades of carrying more than 82,000 vehicles a day.  Weather permitting the $8.9 million project will be completed in fall 2012.

In addition to replacing the bridge decks (driving surface), crews will also clean, repaint, and make minor repairs to the steel girders beneath the bridge and bridge abutments.  Protective coatings on the structural steel prevent corrosion and are designed to last approximately 30 years.  Preventative maintenance will reduce the need for costly repairs in the future.

To keep lanes operating during I-270 construction, SHA will use temporary bridges in the median to maintain traffic on northbound and southbound I-270.  Traffic along northbound and southbound I-270 will be switched to the median to enable crews to replace the bridges in phases.  Motorists should be prepared for nighttime single lane closure on I-270 during construction. 

As part of the project crews will also lengthen the deceleration lane by approximately 100 feet on southbound I-270 to MD 80 to allow drivers additional area to reduce speed prior to entering the ramp.  Motorists traveling on MD 80 should expect single lane closures Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.

To maintain a safer working environment for crews and motorists, the speed camera program will monitor speeds through the work. Large warning signs will be placed in advance of the work zone to alert drivers of automated speed enforcement use.  Crews also utilize “speed trailers” to display the posted speed limit and drivers’ speeds in advance of the enforcement vehicle.  Maryland speed camera mobile enforcement vehicles using laser technology will continue to rotate among eligible work zones throughout the State.
Construction season is here and active work zone sites will be present around State, including major construction projects taking months to complete and mobile operations requiring only minutes.  While SHA and its transportation partners work hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones, each driver needs to modify his or her driving style to help prevent crashes. Stay alert - look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers.  

SHA awarded the contract to Concrete General, Inc. of Gaithersburg.  Those who have questions about traffic operations along I-270, or other State numbered routes in Frederick County, may call SHA’s District 7 Office at 301-624-8100 or toll free at 1-800-635-5119.  SHA reminds all drivers to buckle up, obey posted speed limits, think orange, and stay alert in the work zone.  Motorists can learn more by logging onto
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