May 15 Application Deadline for Recreational Trails, Transportation Alternatives Programs
(April 10, 2024) – The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration is accepting applications for two grant programs designed to expand bicycle and walking opportunities throughout the state. Applications for both the Transportation Alternatives Program and the Recreational Trails Program are being accepted through Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
The Transportation Alternatives Program focuses on projects that enhance mobility and accessibility along Maryland’s transportation network including bike and pedestrian facilities, the restoration of historic transportation building, and conversion of abandoned railway corridors to pedestrian trails. The Recreational Trails Program benefits construction, enhancement, repair and maintenance of land and water-based recreational trails and trail-related facilities for motorized and non-motorized use.
These Transportation Alternatives and Recreational Trails program is funded by the Federal Highway Administration and awards are administered by State Highway Administration. Funding may be requested for up to 80% of a project’s reimbursable costs and the remaining balance of 20% or more of eligible costs is the responsibility of the applicants to fund through a local match.
The State Highway Administration has a single application for both programs which streamlines the process and helps determine the best potential funding source for each proposal. Local governments, nonprofits, government-sponsored community groups, regional transportation or transit authorities, school districts and education agencies, natural resource or public land agencies and tribal governments are encouraged to apply.
Those who apply by April 15 can get a “completeness check” by the State Highway Administration Grants Team. As part of that process, the team will work with applicants to ensure all necessary information is provided.
The application deadline is 11:59 p.m. May 15. For more information on the process and eligibility criteria, visit the website here.