I-70 sign
Motorists Can Expect Single- and Double-Lane Closures and Plan Extra Travel Time in Preparation of the Traffic Switch
(December 7, 2023) – The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration will be closing the right lane on the eastbound I-70 bridge over Crystal Falls Drive on December 12. On December 13, drivers can expect double lane closure on eastbound I-70 to prepare for a traffic switch on December 13.
Drivers can expect a single right lane closure on eastbound I-70 beginning December 12 from 7 p.m. until 5 a.m. The single lane closure will resume at 7 p.m. on December 13. At 9 p.m., a second lane will close until 5 a.m. The new traffic pattern will be in place by 5 a.m. on December 14. All work is weather permitting.
The lane closures and traffic shift are part of the I-70 bridge over Crystal Falls Drive bridge replacement project in Boonsboro.
The State Highway Administration’s contractor, Triton Construction Inc., of St. Albans, WV, will use signs, cones, and barrels to guide drivers through the work zone. The State Highway Administration asks all motorists to please stay alert and be patient while driving through work zones.