UPDATE (May 15, 2014) - Potentially dangerous weather is expected in Maryland on Friday so SHA has rescheduled our Bike To Work Day event. You're invited to visit our pit stop at SHA Headquarters in Baltimore on May 30th.

(May 9, 2014) – On the heels of Bike to School Day and approaching Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 16th, the Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) is promoting the public education campaign “We’re on this road together.

Reminding drivers and bicyclists to “Expect and respect,” the message underscores the need for all roadway users to partner in each other’s safety. With warmer weather, drivers should expect more bicycle traffic on roads throughout the State.  When passing bicycles, Maryland state law requires that drivers allow at least three feet of space between the bicycle and vehicle.
Staff from SHA’s Headquarters in downtown Baltimore are partnering with the Baltimore Metropolitan Council, the City of Baltimore and the Downtown Athletic Center to host a Bike to Work pit stop on Friday morning, May 16th between 7 and 10 a.m. at the corner of Guilford and Monument streets.

“Commuting by bicycle is a green travel alternative that reduces vehicular traffic and congestion, promotes better air quality and supports a healthy lifestyle – a win-win-win.  Bike to Work Day encourages our customers to give bicycle commuting a try,” said SHA Administrator Melinda B. Peters.  “On Bike to Work Day, as well as throughout this spring and summer, we can expect more bicyclists on the roads.  It’s important that drivers expect to encounter bicycles, know how to safely navigate around them  and obey the law!”

SHA is dedicated to providing safe highways for all commuters and promotes the message that Maryland roads belong to everyone. To ensure cyclists are equally accommodated, SHA continues to add and improve state roads for bicycle access With its “Complete Streets” policy mandating the provision of bicycle facilities wherever possible, SHA improved more than 14 miles of roads in Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 and 2013 with the addition of bike lanes or shared road markings. In addition, SHA increased the overall bicycle comfort level or BLOC of the statewide network to a grade B or better for 81 percent of roads, an increase of 3 percent from FY 2011. This work has contributed to Maryland being ranked among the Nation’s Top 10 Bicycle Friendly States according to an annual evaluation done by the League of American Bicyclists.  Maryland is ranked number 7 in the nation, up from number 11 last year, and number 2 among Mid-Atlantic and North East States.

SHA and its partners continue to promote safe bicycling at public events and through grassroots outreach. Messages are being shared on mobile and electronic billboards, radio public service announcements and gas station toppers, as well as local grassroots outreach to bike shops, car washes and businesses to engage bicyclists and drivers.

“It is critical that both motorists and cyclists follow the rules of the road and consider each others’ safety. Too often we see injuries and fatalities result from collisions involving bicycles and vehicles. If we all make a commitment to share the road, together we can prevent crashes and save lives,” said Administrator Peters.

When approaching a cyclist, a driver should slow down, then carefully pass, giving at least three feet of space when it is safe to do so.  Likewise, bicyclists are subject to the same vehicle laws as drivers and should adhere to signs and traffic lights and signal to drivers their intentions when breaking or turning. Bicyclists should also follow basic traffic laws and wear protective gear, ensure that they are visible to motorists and wear helmets.

For more information on SHA’s Bike to Work Day and the multiple pit stops click on the following links:

The League of American Bicyclists began National Bike to Work Day in 1956. As an annual event held in May across the United States and Canada, National Bike to Work Day promotes the bicycle as an option for commuting to work. Leading up to Bike to Work Day, national, regional, and local bicycle advocacy groups encourage people to try bicycle commuting as a healthy and safe alternative to driving.
