(August 7, 2013) – The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) has begun a $4.8 million safety and improvement project on MD 704 (Martin Luther King Jr. Highway) between the Washington D.C. line and Hill Road. Weather permitting, the project should be complete by late summer 2015. The 1.29-mile project includes significant safety enhancements along MD 704.

“This project will improve pedestrian safety, support bicycle use and calm traffic,” said SHA Administrator Melinda B. Peters.  “By reducing the travel lanes from six to four, we are able to support all the ways people travel within the community.”

Pedestrian safety enhancements include:

• New crosswalks at the intersection of MD 704 and 68th, 69th and Greig streets
• New flashing overhead hazardous identification beacons (HIBs) to warn motorists of pedestrians and the newly constructed crosswalks at 68th, 69th and Greig streets. The HIBs will be located prior to the MD 704/65th Street and MD 704/Greig Street intersections
• An upgraded traffic signal at Addison Road that will include brighter LED (light emitting diode) bulbs to improve the visibility of the signal for pedestrians and motorists. This intersection serves the nearby Seat Pleasant Elementary School and the Seat Pleasant Community Center
• New decorative raised medians and installation of new landscaping.

Crews will also repair and replace inlets and clean existing pipes to prevent standing water on the road surface; upgrade sidewalks, curb ramps and driveway entrances for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance; resurface MD 704; apply new pavement markings and install new signs.  SHA will also upgrade existing traffic barrier and end treatments (guardrail).

To perform the work, SHA may temporarily close one or two lanes in both directions of MD 704, Monday through Friday, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and overnight, Sunday through Thursday, between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.

Currently, crews are working at various locations within the project limits and are repairing and replacing curb and gutter, performing median excavation and installing the necessary electrical infrastructure for new signals for the project.

The City of Seat Pleasant is a growing center for businesses.  More than 26,000 vehicles use this heavily traveled section of MD 704 daily. The corridor is used by pedestrians including elderly citizens and is home to a number of community institutions, businesses, apartment buildings and an elementary school. Engineers evaluated this section of MD 704 and determined that the number of traffic lanes could be reduced from three to two in each direction.  The reduction of lanes will allow five-foot bike-compatible shoulders to be incorporated within the project limits connecting cyclists to area parks.

This project was made possible with funding from the Transportation Infrastruct​ure Investment Act of 2013, which maintains crucial system preservation investments and allows Maryland to activate long-term strategies to invest in Maryland’s transportation systems. By putting people back to work in the transportation industry with $4.4 billion in new investments in the next six years, Maryland is creating hundreds of millions of dollars in economic activity and providing Marylanders with the transportation infrastructure necessary to grow and prosper for decades to come.

SHA’s contractor for the work is Rustler Construction, Inc. of Upper Marlboro.  SHA will use electronic message boards, construction cones and barrels, arrow boards and flaggers to direct motorists through the work zone. As crews work to keep work zones safe, each driver needs to actively modify his or her driving style to help prevent crashes. Stay alert – look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. Slow down and don’t follow too closely. Safer Driving. Safer Work Zones. For Everyone!

For more information about this project, please visit the SHA website to learn more about MD 704 Project in Seat Pleasant.

