(June 21, 2013) – Travelers will need to stay alert for a new traffic pattern on Tuesday afternoon, June 25 (weather permitting), as construction crews shift traffic from the old Van Dusen Road Bridge onto the
new Contee Road Bridge over I-95 in Prince George's County. To complete this traffic shift, a short section of both Sweitzer Lane and Van Dusen Road will be temporarily closed Friday, June 21 at 8 p.m. for realignment with the new Contee Road bridge. Both roads will reopen by 5 a.m. Monday, June 24. Drivers should follow the signed detour route during the closures of Sweitzer Lane and Van Dusen Road and watch for changes in traffic patterns during this phase of construction.
Following this weekend’s work, crews will then shift all traffic onto the new Contee Road Bridge over I-95 on Tuesday afternoon, June 25. After the new bridge opens, crews will begin demolishing the old Van Dusen Road bridge. Over the next few months, crews will widen Sweitzer Lane near the existing Van Dusen Road intersection.
The new Contee Road Bridge is part of the State Highway Administration project to construct a new I-95/Contee Road interchange that will benefit current and future development east and west of the I-95 corridor. Included in the current Prince George’s County Master Plan as one of the county’s highest transportation priorities, the new interchange includes four ramps connecting to Contee Road via the Inter County Connector (ICC) Collector-Distributor lanes. The new collector-distributor lanes along I-95 are being constructed as the final segment of the ICC project.
When complete, the new interchange will provide access from I-95 to the Burtonsville and Laurel areas via Contee Road, and will extend to Virginia Manor Road to the east and Old Gunpowder Road to the west. The interchange is being built between MD 198 (Sandy Spring Road) and MD 212 (Riggs Road) and is expected to fully open summer 2014.
As crews strive to keep work zones safe, stay alert – look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. Slow down and don’t follow too closely. Safer Driving. Safer Work Zones. For everyone!
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