(May 6, 2013) – The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) is protecting roadways in Western Maryland against pavement deterioration with a $2.5 million project to overlay selected roads in Washington, Allegany and Garrett counties. Crews are using a pavement treatment that seals cracks, locks out moisture and improves traction to help prevent hydroplaning.
Crews are currently applying the treatment on MD 65 (Sharpsburg Pike), south of Rench Road in Washington County, and will use it later this spring and summer in Allegany County on MD 36 (New George’s Creek Road) between Vale Summit and Midland; on MD 51 (Oldtown Road) near Oldtown; and on MD 935 (Lower George’s Road) near Barton.
The treatment, known as “slurry seal” or “microsurfacing,” is used on roadways that do not yet require a complete asphalt overlay. The treatment extends the life of the pavement by about five years and saves money by delaying the need for more expensive resurfacing.
“Slurry seal is a ‘beefed up driveway sealer’ that requires a curing period,” said SHA District Engineer Anthony Crawford. “That curing process requires low humidity levels that we generally only get during the mid-day hours, so SHA performs this work from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work to improve safety along these roads.”
Work on MD 65 will be complete by the middle of the week, weather permitting.
SHA’s contractor for the project is Slurry Pavers Inc. of Glenn Allen, Va. Anyone with questions about operations on State numbered routes in Washington, Allegany and Garrett Counties may contact SHA’s District 6 office at 301-729-8400 or toll-free at 800-760-7138.
While SHA and its partners work hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones, each driver needs to actively modify his or her driving style to help prevent crashes. Stay alert – look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. Slow down and don't follow too closely. Safer Driving. Safer Work Zones. For everyone!
Maryland now features FREE 511 traveler information! Call 511 or 1-855-GOMD511 or visit
www.md511.org for current travel information. Sign up to personalize travel route information through MY511 on the website. Remember to use 511 safely – Maryland law prohibits hand-held mobile phone use and texting while driving.
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