(March 13, 2009) – Next week, the Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) will begin a $810,000 project to upgrade more than 10,000 feet of sidewalk along a heavily pedestrian-traveled section of MD 97 (Georgia Avenue) between MD 185 (Connecticut Avenue) and Glenallan Avenue near Wheaton, Montgomery County. The project is part of a comprehensive effort by the O’Malley-Brown administration to bring sidewalks along state roads into compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).           
SHA staff members have walked every sidewalk along state maintained roads and inventoried conditions. The inspection found that roughly 49 percent of the 4.9 million feet of State-owned sidewalks were ADA-compliant. Following the proven StateStat approach, SHA placed the inventory of sidewalks on a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) map and designed a tool to help determine future priorities for sidewalk reconstruction.          
“What gets measured gets done. Paying attention to detail makes a difference,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “Using technology to track needs allows government to better serve the ADA community and all of our citizens.”          
Using the GIS information, SHA reviews key factors such as safety, nearby transit service, schools and government service buildings, and nearby public venues such as restaurants and shopping centers. The GIS-based ADA program also logs requests submitted to SHA, allowing engineers to consider interest demonstrated at public meetings over the past 18 months.          
SHA’s aggressive plan includes replacement of all existing pedestrian traffic signals with accessible pedestrian signal (audible prompts) devices within eight years and increasing the amount of ADA-compliant sidewalks, including construction of new sidewalks, retrofitting existing sidewalks, or adding sidewalks as part of safety projects, by approximately 20-25 miles each year, depending on available funding.          
“The replacement and construction of ADA compliant sidewalks and the installation of accessible pedestrian traffic signals are important infrastructure improvements in the State’s efforts to create and support livable and inclusive communities,” said Catherine Raggio, Secretary, Maryland Department of Disabilities. “These measures will not only ensure greater accessibility and inclusion for Marylanders with disabilities, they will also provide greater safety for all of our citizens.”          
The National Partnership for Highway Quality (NPHQ) recently recognized SHA with a “2008 – Making a Difference – Breaking the Mold” award for the ADA sidewalk program. Additionally, the Federal Highway Administration has recognized Maryland’s program as a model for other states.          
In addition to upgrading more than 10,000 feet of sidewalk along Georgia Avenue, SHA will upgrade the existing driveway entrances, widen the sidewalk from four to five feet and upgrade the existing traffic signals at Connecticut Avenue, Aspen Hill Road and Hewitt Avenue to include countdown pedestrian signals and APS (Audible Pedestrian Signals). The project is expected to be completed late summer, weather permitting.          
During construction of the new sidewalk along Georgia Avenue, motorists can expect closures of the existing sidewalks and minor impacts at the intersections with Connecticut Avenue, Aspen Hill Road and Hewitt Avenue. SHA awarded the contract to M. Luis Construction Inc. of Baltimore.          
For more information on the ADA program, log onto and click the ADA icon. You may also call toll-free at 866-910-8866 or email          
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