Commuters Are Urged to Limit Unnecessary Travel Thursday Night and Friday Morning
(January 5, 2022) – The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) is preparing for the next round of winter weather poised to affect the state. The current timing of this storm is anticipated to influence both the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Motorists are encouraged to telework if possible or reschedule/cancel their commute to avoid periods when the storm could impact travel.
“We strongly urge commuters to limit travel during winter storms, as this significantly impacts our team’s ability to keep roadways open and safe,” said MDOT SHA Administrator Tim Smith. “For those who must travel, please use extreme caution and slow down. Posted speed limits are for ideal weather and road conditions and are not intended for snow or ice.”
MDOT SHA operations managers are assessing conditions across the state and making necessary pre-storm preparations, such as pre-treating the roadways. Maintenance shops in every corner of the state are getting materials, supplies and trucks prepared for the storm.
Motorists are encouraged to prepare their vehicles for winter weather by checking the tires for adequate tread and inflation, and ensure vehicle lights are operational and that all fluids, particularly windshield wiper fluids, are at their recommended levels.
If driving is essential, motorists should clear their entire vehicle of snow, as this can dislodge and become a dangerous hazard to other motorists. During and after winter weather events, MDOT SHA crews work to clear and maintain the state’s numbered roadways, while local jurisdictions attend to community and residential streets. Motorists should remain at least three car lengths behind snow plows.
Citizens can get the latest travel information by logging onto roads.maryland.gov. The Statewide Transportation Operations Resource Map (STORM) identifies where MDOT SHA and contractual equipment is and where they have been. MDOT SHA also invites drivers to view the hundreds of live traffic cameras that enables smart travel decisions.