Feb 6 2025***TRAFFIC ALERT*** State Highway Administration to Close Lanes on Southbound I-95/I-495 Near Woodrow Wilson Bridge in Prince George's CountyD.C./Southern | Traffic Alert | Lane Closure | BridgesWeeknight Closures Necessary for Bridge Joint Repairs; Drivers Advised to Plan Ahead and Allow Extra Travel Times [Click here...]
Jan 29 2025***I-695 TRAFFIC ALERT***STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION TO REPLACE DRAINAGE INLET ON I-695 OUTER LOOP AT I-795 SUNDAY AND MONDAYBaltimore/Central | Traffic Alert | Lane ClosureWork Will Require Multiple Right-Lane Closures on I-695 Outer Loop at I-795 Interchange; Motorists Strongly Advised to Take Alternate Routes Monday. [Click here...]
Jan 23 2025***TRAVEL ADVISORY*** DRIVERS URGED TO AVOID MD 2 (RITCHIE HIGHWAY) IN ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY FRIDAY AFTERNOOND.C./Southern | Traffic Alert | Lane ClosureFuneral for Montgomery County Firefighter Lieutenant Chris Higgins to be Held Friday Beginning at 11 a.m. [Click here...]
Jan 23 2025*** TRAFFIC ALERT *** I-495 (CAPITAL BELTWAY) INNER LOOP IN VIRGINIA TO CLOSE OVERNIGHT STARTING FRIDAY D.C./Southern | Traffic Alert | Lane Closure | BridgesExpect Delays to Extend into Maryland as part of Virginia Department of Transportation’s I-495 NEXT Project [Click here...]
Jan 23 2025***TRAFFIC ALERT*** State Highway Administration to Shift Traffic on the MD 75 Bridge Over I-70 in Frederick County This WeekendWestern | Traffic Alert | Lane Closure | BridgesBridge Deck Replacement Project in New Market Nears 90% Completion as Work Begins on the Median [Click here...]