May 23 2024***TRAFFIC ALERT*** New Sidewalk Construction Underway on MD 392 (Delaware Avenue) in Dorchester CountyEastern | Traffic Alert | Lane Closure | SafetyNew Sidewalks Will Connect Bicyclists and Pedestrians to the Town of Hurlock [Click here...]
May 23 2024State Highway Administration Begins Bridge Replacement on MD 16 Over Mill Creek in Caroline CountyEastern | Lane Closure | BridgesEight-Week Closure and Detour of MD 16 Begins June 17 [Click here...]
May 16 2024***TRAFFIC ALERT*** State Highway Administration to Close MD 90 (Ocean City Expressway) to Perform Maintenance WorkEastern | Traffic Alert | Lane ClosureMotorists Can Expect Nighttime MD 90 Closures Beginning Monday [Click here...]
May 15 2024State Highway Administration Begins Resurfacing MD 331 and MD 328 in Talbot CountyEastern | Lane ClosureBoth Projects Near US 50 in Easton; Night Work Will Minimize Impacts [Click here...]
May 15 2024State Highway Administration Begins Resurfacing MD 18 and MD 213 in Queen Anne's CountyEastern | Lane ClosurePaving Targets Busy Road Sections near Kent Island and Centreville [Click here...]