Partnership Planting Program


The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) partners with local governments, community organizations and garden clubs to beautify highways and improve the environment. Community gateway plantings, reforestation plantings, streetscapes and highway beautification plantings are examples of projects completed by the Partnership Planting Program.

What To Do

Identify a landscaping need within a State highway right of way in your community. MDOT SHA will help you select a site or identify a need if you need help. When a site is selected and receives approval, MDOT SHA will provide a landscape design for the project.

Your Responsibilities

Some organizations sponsor plantings by participating in the cost of projects. Others participate by providing volunteers to do the work. These arrangements are decided project by project. We may also ask for long-term support to maintain the project. Planning well in advance is necessary because of the time needed to plan, coordinate activities, acquire volunteers and stockpile materials. Often, there is a waiting list for sponsors because of demands on the program.

MDOT SHA's Responsibilities

SHA will name a project coordinator to work with the sponsoring organization. We will provide a planting site, a landscape plan, landscape materials and support volunteers on the day of the planting or landscaping.

How to Begin

Identify a project and estimate the number of volunteers or funds available for the project. Write to us about your ideas and plans:


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