Office of Environmental Design

Kevin P. Wilsey, Director
Phone: 410-545-8640
Toll Free: 1-800-446-5962
The mission of the Office of Environmental Design (OED) is to protect, restore, and enhance the natural and built environment associated with Maryland's highway system.
OED comprises six divisions that fulfill its mission of environmental compliance and stewardship:
OED ensures that all Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) facilities and operations comply with State, federal and local environmental permits, laws, regulations, and best management practices; and it ensures that commitments made during the planning phase regarding wetlands, streams, fish and wildlife habitat are met during final design and construction of MDOT SHA's capital projects.
Environmental Compliance Division
Shawn Schmelzer, Chief
Phone: 410-582-5589
The Environmental Compliance Division's (ECD) mission is to ensure that all MDOT SHA facilities and operations achieve sustainable multi-media environmental compliance with State, federal, and local environmental permits, laws and regulations.
ECD is responsible for the following:
- Implementation of environmental compliance initiatives across multiple media, including:
- Provision of environmental compliance resources, oversight/guidance, environmental technical expertise and environmental training programs for MDOT SHA facility employees.
- Implementation of a comprehensive Environmental Management System (EMS) to ensure sustained compliance in conducting highway and facility operations.
Environmental Programs Division
Nora Bucke, Chief
Phone: 410-545-8643
Eric Freidly, Assistant Chief
Phone: 410-545-8610
The Environmental Programs Division’s (EPD) protects Maryland’s natural environment by avoiding, minimizing and mitigating impacts while ensuring compliance through customer interaction that promotes innovative, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions.
EPD is responsible for:
- Wetland delineation and functional assessment services -Identification and classification of natural resources with State/federal wetland and waterways regulators and commenting agencies.
- Wetlands/Waters Permitting -Working closely with planners, designers and engineers to achieve environmentally sensitive highway, bridge, and maintenance projects by avoiding and/or minimizing impacts to sensitive natural resources to obtain all necessary State/federal wetlands and waterways permits.
- Wetland/Stream Mitigation and Banking:
- Preparation and review of plans, specifications, and estimates for all of MDOT SHA compensatory wetland mitigation and stream mitigation projects.
- Development of the Universal Mitigation Banking Instrument and banks, including management of credits and long-term maintenance.
- Wetland/Stream Restoration Stewardship -Identification, evaluation and delivery of environmental stewardship projects to help the State improve water quality of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
- Wetland/Stream Restoration Monitoring -Monitoring of wetland and stream restoration sites to ensure regulatory compliance.
- Critical Area Mitigation -Coordination under the MDOT and Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Critical Area Commission Memorandum of Understanding, MDOT SHA Exhibit A1 for all Critical Area approvals, including required mitigation.
Landscape Programs Division

Chief: Vacant
Phone: 410-545-8604
Stacey Shackelford, D.B.A., Assistant Chief
Phone: 410-545-8547
The Landscape Program Division’s (LPD) promotes an integrated vegetation management approach to roadside green assets and provides innovative, context-sensitive landscape architectural design solutions, and technical management and support, for highway projects and roadsides that promote environmental stewardship, improve appearance, functionality, and safety, and ensure compliance with all State, federal and local laws and specifications to foster a fiscally responsible environmental ethic.
LPD is responsible for:
- Leading the design and development of landscape planting and hardscape plans, specifications and estimates for highway construction projects.
- Designing, advertising and administering vegetation. management, landscape construction and landscape maintenance projects.
- Developing, maintaining, and enforcing vegetation management and landscape design standards, guidelines, and construction specifications.
- Establishing standards and guidelines for roadside development and vegetation management.
- Ensuring compliance with Maryland tree laws.
- MDOT SHA pollinator habitat protection program.
- MDOT SHA’s pesticide training program.
- MDOT SHA Partnership Planting Program.
Program Support Division
Mehmet Gorgulu, Chief
Phone: 410-545-2883
The Program Support Division’s (PSD) sustains and supports operations within the Office of Environmental Design by providing technical services, effective solutions and strong customer service.
PSD is responsible for supporting the OED operations related to:
- Contract management for Architectural and Engineering (A/E) consultant services.
- Contract advertisement.
- Procurement.
- Contract finals and closeout procedures for OED-administered construction and maintenance projects.
- IT support services.
- Inventory management.
- Fleet management.
Quality Assurance Division
Don Hoey, Chief
Phone: 410-545-8473
Tad Daniel, Assistant Chief
Phone: 410-365-0164
The Quality Assurance Division (QAD) ensures MDOT SHA construction and maintenance activities obtain necessary review, approval and compliance with the Stormwater and Sediment control laws of Maryland and the United States Clean Water Act.
QAD is responsible for:
- Providing environmental compliance resources, oversight, guidance, environmental technical expertise and environmental training programs for highway design engineers, construction engineers, inspectors and contractors. QAD provides training for the MDOT SHA
Erosion & Sediment Control (E&SC) Certification Program.
- Implementing comprehensive policies, procedures, interpretations, guidance and training for erosion & sediment control and storm water management – including engineering specifications, construction installation and maintenance requirements. QAD enforces other applicable requirements of Maryland's Department of the Environment (MDE's) stormwater, NPDES, Erosion & Sediment Control laws, regulations and guidance.
- Communicating with MDE and other regulatory agencies to provide current guidance to team members, communication as well with MDOT SHA project representatives to ensure MDOT SHA projects are completed in a responsible manner that results in high quality environmental outcomes.
Water Programs Division
Ryan Cole, Chief
Phone: 410-545-8567 Tyler Magowitz, Assistant Chief
Phone: 410-545-8583
The Water Programs Division (WPD) implements a well-coordinated and dynamic environmental restoration program that fully outlines the MDOT SHA’s contribution to restoring the Chesapeake Bay and its surrounding watershed.
WPD is responsible for: