The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) advertises and awards construction and maintenance contracts for the state highway system.
This website provides contractors with information on highway construction projects. Do not use it as a substitute for the bidding process.
Bidding Process and Information
If you need assistance about other topics,
contact us here.
Contractor News
Attention Industry Partners:
This notice applies only to competitively procured State-funded contracts with MBE Goals. Pursuant to COMAR, Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) Policies for Contract Awards Effective 12/05/2023, all prior Awardee of contracts are to fill out OOC126 Form and submit same to the contract Award Division in MDOT SHA office of Construction as part of the post Apparent Low Bid Letter documentations.
Update your company vendor information for MDOT SHA Engineers' Estimate and Construction Contract System, AASHTO's TRNS*PORT.
Go to
eMMA to view and browse for contracts (login required).
MDOT SHA posts project links for eMaryland Marketplace Advantage (eMMA) in this Contractors Information Center (CIC). This makes it easier for contractors to find project information on eMMA. MDOT SHA no longer posts actual pre-bid documents for the advertisements, addenda and project quantities on the CIC. These documents are now on eMMA for each project link provided. The last addendum with revised quantities will have the all-inclusive list of items in the contract.
eMaryland Marketplace Advantage (eMMA) replaced eMaryland Marketplace (eMM). Learn more at
E-Bid Revisions in Standards
In accordance with the
joint agreement between American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) about the implementation of the AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH), MDOT SHA revised several standards that are in the
Book of Standards for Highway and Incidental Structures. The following standards were revised: MD 605.23, MD 605.26, MD 605.27, MD 605.28, MD 605.28-01, MD 605.31 and MD 605.32. These revised standards pertain to w-beam traffic barriers and are available online.
These standards apply to all projects that have been let (i.e., bid open) since December 31, 2017. Prospective bidders: Note this revision.
E-Bid Notice on Attaching Files
Bidders: You MUST re-attach
ALL attachment files when resubmitting a bid in any of these situations:
MDOT SHA postpones a proposal to a different letting date; or
MDOT SHA postpones a proposal and then re-uploads the proposal to the same letting where it was originally uploaded; or
MDOT SHA withdraws a proposal and then reposts that proposal to the same letting where it was originally uploaded.
You must navigate
EVERY attachment location in the ".ebsx file" and
re-select the attachment using the 'Browse' button, prior to re-submission.
E-Bid Notice: Only Electronic Bids Accepted
For all highway improvement and highway maintenance projects advertised henceforth, MDOT SHA will accept only electronic bids. Submit bids at Paper bids will not be accepted. Instructions on electronic bidding are