Community Improvement

The roads that link communities also shape communities. Roads play a vital part in creating a positive experience for residents, businesses and visitors throughout Maryland. That's why a key part of our mission is to improve the communities we touch.


The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (SHA) Adopt-A-Highway (AAH) program empowers individuals and communities to take an active role in keeping our state clean and beautiful.​

Context Sensitive Solutions & Complete Streets

Complete Streets is a second-generation policy for Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS), a developmental approach. Before, roads and transportation systems were placed with only one goal: efficiently connecting one place to another.

Community Programs

Your city, town or neighborhood, your company or corporation can work with  SHA to integrate highways into our lives through these special programs.

Sound Barriers and Noise Reduction

As more motorists use the highways, the sounds generated adversely affect nearby residents. We reduce the impact of highway traffic noise on communities eligible under federally regulated criteria.

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

TAP is a federal program to enhance the cultural, aesthetic, historic, and environmental aspects of transportation systems like the Maryland State highways.

When Main Street is a State Highway

This handbook guides MDOT SHA and community representatives through a comprehensive process to achieve community goals.