Temporary Traffic Control Training Programs

Basic Temporary Traffic Control (BTTC) Training

This is a self-guided course that can be downloaded and used by companies/agencies to train their staff. It is an introductory course on the design and layout of TTC devices and work zone typical applications.

Contact Information:

Mr. Dolha Kayisavera. P.E.
Maryland State Highway Administration
(410) 787-5812

Course Fee: None

Flagger Training

  • ATSSA’s Flagger Training Course
  • Conducted by Approved ATSSA Flagger Instructors (see below)
  • ATSSA training received in other states is valid for work on SHA roadways
    • MD specific ATSSA training should be obtained

Flagger Instructor Training

ATSSA's Flagger Instructor Training (FIT) Course

FIT Course Prerequisites

  • SHA's TM Training Course
  • ATSSA's Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) Course

Fee may apply. Check each program's page.

Flagger/Flagger Instructor Training

Contact Information:

More Information:

Flagger/Flagger Instructor training is valid for four (4) years from the date of successful completion of course

Traffic Manager's (TMA) Training

Course Overview:

Only through the Maryland Transportation Builder's and Materials Assocation (MTBMA) www.mtbma.org

  • Provides Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) training for work zones
  • Designed for field supervisors and crew leaders

Course Curriculum:

  • Fundamentals of Temporary Traffic Control (TTC)
  • SHA’s TTC Standards and Specifications
  • SHA’s TTC Typical Applications
  • Downloadable course material for your own pace of study
  • Test at end of the course

8 hours

Complete Course

5 minutes

Exam Results

Course fee may apply: Check MTBMA program's page

Results/Successful Completion (to obtain a certificate)

  • Successful completion requires a 70% score
  • Traffic Manager's Training valid for four (4) years from date of successful course completion

Contact Information:


Maryland Transportation Builders and Materials Association
(410) 760-9505

Mr. Dolha Kayisavera. P.E.
Maryland State Highway Administration
(410) 787-5812

Work Zone Law Enforcement Training

2 hours

Complete Course

5 minutes

Exam Results

Contact Information:

Mr. Dolha Kayisavera. P.E.
Maryland State Highway Administration
(410) 787-5812