Warning Period Begins Monday, July 17; Citations Begin August 7
(July 14, 2017) – In an ongoing effort to improve work zone safety, the Maryland State Police (MSP) and the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) will deploy the
Maryland SafeZones Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) system along northbound and southbound I-95/I-495 (Capital Beltway) near the bridge over Suitland Road in Prince George’s County.
After a 21-day warning period that begins July 17, MSP will authorize citations beginning August 7. The speed limit on northbound I-95/I-495 is 55 mph. Drivers excessively speeding by 12 mph or more over the speed limit, or 67 mph or more, face a $40 civil citation.
Maryland SafeZones supports MDOT SHA, MSP and Maryland Transportation Authority Police (MDTA) in the statewide effort to improve work zone safety. Nationally, four out of five people injured in a work zone crash are passengers or drivers, not workers.
Where the State has deployed SafeZones, speeding violations have decreased by more than 90 percent. ASE is currently deployed in nine other work zones in the State. Driving in work zones is particularly challenging since there are often reduced lane widths, barriers, construction vehicles, modified signage, reduced acceleration and deceleration areas and limited or no shoulders. For more information, please visit
SafeZones mobile enforcement vehicles rotate among designated roadway construction zones along controlled-access highways with posted speed limits of 45 mph or higher. MDOT SHA places numerous, large signs in advance of the work zones to alert drivers of automated speed enforcement use. Crews will also place a “speed trailer” to display the posted speed limit and drivers’ speeds in advance of the enforcement vehicle.
When driving through work zones, please stay alert – look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. Slow down and don't follow too closely. Work zone safety is in your hands.
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