(September 17, 2014) – The State Highway Administration (SHA) will widen and resurface the
MD 349 (Nanticoke Road) and Crooked Oak Lane intersection in Salisbury beginning early October. The $840,000 project will improve the operating efficiency of traffic at the intersection and provide bicycle lanes on MD 349, which is a designated state bicycle route.
Project improvements include resurfacing the pavement and widening the roadway at the intersection. Other work includes:
• Constructing dedicated left turn lanes on MD 349;
• Reconstructing road side ditches; and
• Upgrading drainage and lighting at the intersection.
When construction is complete, the intersection will have one 12-foot through lane, one 12-foot left-turn lane, and one 11-foot right turn lane in each direction on MD 349, as well as 10-foot outside shoulders with five-foot bike lanes.
During construction, motorists will encounter single-lane closures Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The contractor will use variable message boards, temporary signs, arrow panels, flaggers, cones and barrels to guide motorists through the work zone. Motorists should plan extra commute time during the construction project, which should be complete spring 2015, weather permitting. SHA awarded the contract to David A. Bramble, Inc., of Chestertown.
While SHA and its transportation partners work hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones, each driver needs to actively modify his or her driving style to help prevent crashes. Stay alert and look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. Slow down and don’t follow too closely. Saver Driving. Safer Work Zones. For Everyone!
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