Family Members Join Town of Ocean City, State Highway Administration and Other Partners in Walk Smart! Campaign Effort

(July 10, 2013) - No one understands the crucial role that pedestrian and vehicle safety play better than the parents of 22-year old Matthew Cheswick.  Cheswick was killed by a drunk driver in Ocean City last summer while along Coastal Highway.  Now Cheswick’s family is focused on being a voice for their son speaking out against drunk driving by being a partner in the Ocean City Walk Smart! pedestrian safety campaign.

Matthew’s parents, Cecilia Roe and Christopher Cheswick, share in the Walk Smart! mission of protecting other families from their horrifying experience:  “Matthew’s smile would light up the room – it brightened the lives of his family, friends, co-workers.  We treasure the good he was able to do in his short time here and wistfully think of what he would have accomplished in the future.  In Matthew’s honor, we’re asking that you continue to share his light.  We are each empowered to prevent these tragedies – don’t drink and drive, be the designated driver, be the one who takes a stand and takes the keys away from the driver who has no business driving.  Just as Matthew looked out for his friends, every time you are on the road – whether driving or walking, make the right choices and look out for each other.”  Matthew’s tragic story along with the pedestrian campaign reminds everyone to use extra caution while on the roads in Ocean City this summer.

“Every life lost on our roads is one too many.  Because we understand that there are real people behind the statistics, SHA is relentless in trying to accomplish its vision for zero fatalities,” said District Engineer Donnie Drewer.  “The Walk Smart! Campaign combines engineering, education and enforcement – and provides a case model on how solid partnerships in traffic safety can help prevent crashes and save lives.”

Preliminarily, Walk Smart! efforts are showing results.  In comparison to January through June last year, for the first six months of 2013, there has been a 52% reduction in pedestrian crashes total and a 73% reduction in pedestrian crashes on State roads.   

“Our visitors love Ocean City because we are a safe and fun, family resort, and we want to keep it that way,” said Ocean City Mayor Richard Meehan.  “We are asking visitors to Walk Smart in Ocean City, by using marked crosswalks and crossing with the signal.  At the same time, we’re asking drivers to do the responsible thing – never drink and drive, stay alert and travel the posted speed limit.”

Ocean City becomes one of Maryland’s largest cities during the summer months with a population that changes each and every weekend.  Over the course of the last several months, traffic engineers evaluated traffic patterns and enhanced safety at key intersections with work including retiming signals, enhancing turning movements at intersections, placing “no pedestrian crossing” curb stencils and installing signs in high pedestrian volume areas along Coastal Highway to direct people to crosswalks. Aggressive ongoing police enforcement will be complemented with overtime-funded enforcement – addressing both drivers and pedestrians who are not following the rules of the road.

The Walk Smart! campaign features the iconic Maryland crab dressed as a lifeguard who teaches the importance of roadway basics in a beach-friendly, family-fun tone.  His Save Yourself! message teaches personal responsibility and directs people to use crosswalks, follow signals and exercise general street smarts.

Featured on Ocean City transit, plane banners, boat billboard messages, roadside billboards, television and radio public service announcements, the Walk Smart! campaign provides constant, consistent messaging all summer long.  Additionally, Walk Smart! teams are distributing street smart tips cards along Coastal Highway. For Safety tips and more campaign information log on to:

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