MDOT SHA Facilities Atlas
This atlas contains general information about each Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) facility, along with detailed location maps of Headquarters, Hanover Complex North End, Hanover Complex South End, district offices, maintenance shops, and landscape depots.
To find an MDOT SHA facility, select an MDOT SHA facility icon on the map below. The facility’s name/type, address, phone number and a link to a detailed printable map will appear.
To access a printable view of all the state's facilities, go to
Printable Map.
To find an MDOT SHA facility near you, click on the Facilities Near Me button on the map in the top right corner. Enter your street address to show MDOT SHA facilities, by facility type, closest to you.
* Note: You must enter a complete street address, including number (e.g. 110 State Circle, Annapolis, MD) when doing an address search.