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Many studies have found that one of the benefits of roundabout installation is the improvement in overall safety performance. Several studies in the U.S., Europe, and Australia have found that roundabouts perform better in terms of safety than other intersection forms. In particular, single-lane roundabouts have been found to perform better than two-way stop-controlled intersections in the U.S. Although the frequency of reported crashes is not always lower at roundabouts, reduced injury rates are typical. Safety is typically better at small and medium capacity roundabouts than at large or multilane roundabouts. While overall crash frequencies have been reduced, the crash reductions are most pronounced for motor vehicles, less pronounced for pedestrians, and mixed for bicyclists depending on the study and bicycle design treatments.
That said, roundabouts are not always safer than other alternatives:
Excerpted from: Federal Highway Administration, Roundabouts, Technical Summary, FHWA–SA–10–006
All content contained within these materials is the intellectual property of Maryland State Highway Administration.
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